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Kill Team Tournament 31 August '24

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Date 31 August 

9am - 5pm


A payment link will be sent after booking. Payment will secure your place.




Mixed Open (TPT Map Packs) & ITD (squad games asymmetrical) 



Arrival/Setup - 9:00 - 9:30

Game 1 - 9:30 - 11:30

Break - 11:30 - 12:15

(Paint competition judging)

Game 2 - 12:15 - 14:15

Game 3 - 14:30 - 16:30

Awards - 16:30 - 17:00


What you need:

A kill team

Measuring tools

3 barricades




The tournament will be scored as follows:

Tournament Points

Win = 3 points

Draw = 1 point

Loss =0 points

Secondary points (Tac ops scored total)

Primary points



The event will be run using BCP (Best Coast Parings) Please download the BCP app and signup. You will use the app to submit your scores at the end of each game. Checkout using the same Email as your BCP account so we can add you to the event.


The tournament is for players of all skill levels. Each game will be set a 2 hour time limit if you have not completed your game at the end of the time limit play will stop immediately and points tallied to determine the result of the game. Chess clocks are allowed if both players agree to use one.


Please note this is a fun friendly local event and we would like to encourage people to politely correct any mistakes your opponent may make (we all make mistakes sometimes) please try to agree on and establish intent if and where possible to avoid any rules disputes. We have a zero tolerance policy regarding any abusive language or behaviour and will result in dismissal from the Venue.


Painting competition:


Painting competition will be judged independently, bring anything you like from any game system or manufacturer no restrictions except keep it sensible. Minis will be judged during the break between games 1 & 2. 



1st, 2nd & 3rd place

Painting competition